Week 9: Paraguay- Alfajores (Dulce de leche stuffed cookies)

Oof, this week was a rough one. Not because of the recipe, but because of celebrating my husband's birthday with wine tasting and the Timbers game the night before. I was struggling today. 

The first challenge was making the Dulce de leche. I had never done that before and the recipe I found stressed the importance of getting all the glue off the can before. I had no Goo Gone, so I tried scraping, rubbing alcohol, nail polish remover all with no success. I googled it and found out peanut butter can help to remove sticky adhesives. I was shocked but it actually worked. Then I just threw it in the instant pot for 40 minutes with water and *Tada*- Dulce de leche.

The next challenge came when my lovely daughter wanted to "help". This made the process take ten times longer. She wanted to roll out the dough and use the cookie cutter, but she wanted to make designs with the cookie cutter. I think we had to re-roll out the dough about 40 times. I had leftover dough so I just let her go nuts over rolling, cutting and designing with that.

The rest of the recipe was pretty easy. I should mention that I forgot to get a lemon so no lemon zest and I had to sub sherry for brandy, 😬 .They turned out soft and the dulce de leche was the perfect amount of sweet. I probably would have enjoyed them more had I not been hungover 🤕 

Rating: 7/10

Original recipe foundhere

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