Week 11: Cream- French Lemon Cream Tart

Is it bad that I didn't actually read this recipe until the weekend of cooking it? I just assumed it would have had heavy cream of some sort, but apparently all the creaminess comes from the butter 🤷🏽‍♀️

I used a tart recipe from a previous challenge's recipe that I found easy. The recipe clearly states to not over pulse the dough, but guess what I did....overpulsed the dough. I threw it in the fridge for the night and hoped for the best.

I prepped the tart filled and managed to only need the juice from 3 1/2 lemons. I'm thinking of investing in juicer after how painful the lemons were on all my unseen hangnails. Then came time to cook the filling on the stove while stirring constantly. This recipe says it takes 30 minutes, but I swear it took 30 minutes alone whisking the damn filling on the stove. I was slightly apprehensive to turn the heat up for fear of burning it. Then my sieve was apparently not big enough to run through so I gave up on that part and hoped for the best after refrigerating for the night.

I started the day super productive despite it being daylights savings time. Got a target run in, prepped lunches for the next day and then got ready to bake the tart crust. I got a little over ambitious and tried giving the kids a bath while baking the crust and.... I burnt it. Not terrible, but extra brown. Then it came time to "whisk" the tart filling. Yeah...that was not happening. It was so hard to whisk that I gave up and used a fork. Then came time to decorate with fruit, but I'm not great at decorating so I did the best I could.

This was really tasty and had I not burnt the crust it would have been amazing. Even the 4 year old approved!

Rating: 8/10

Original recipehere

Tart recipehere

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