Week 16: Macarona Bechamel

I'm not all too familiar with Egyptian food so I scoured Pinterest for ideas and tried to wrap it into a Sunday dinner because it was going to be a busy weekend and I didn't want to throw cooking an extra meal into it. This one seemed like the most likely to appeal to my picky eater daughter because it included pasta and I thought I could sell it as a cross between baked ziti and mac and cheese.

The recipe said 30 minutes to prep, but I never trust those estimates so I started prepping way earlier and then i figured that I could throw it in the fridge until ready to cook. I wasn't rushing through prepping but it still took over an hour to prep everything and get it layered, so I ended up throwing it in the oven right away for an early dinner. 

The last part of cooking stressed me out a bit because broiling for 15 minutes seemed like it would burn. Plus I was trying to pop in and outside while playing with my daughter so that added to the anxiety. Luckily, it browned up nicely.

All the reviews raved about the bechamel sauce, but I found it kind of bland. I even added some seasoning salt to it, but the finished product still tasted short of seasoning. It seems like a lot of work for not a very flavorful dish, but it may just not be in my taste range.


Rating: 5/10


Link to recipe here


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