I grew up an incredibly picker eater(like no fruits and veggies, all meats, carbs and cheese!), so it still makes my family laugh that I enjoy cooking so much now. At one point, I really wanted to open my own food cart, but I don't think I have thick enough skin to deal with yelp reviewers and having two kids isn't exactly conducive to running a food cart. For now, I'm just exploring cooking and hoping one day I can find a way to turn my hobby into something of a living.

I started participating in Reddit's52weeksofcooking challenge in 2022. A little crazy to take it on considering I was pregnant with baby number two, but I managed to attempt all of the weeks' challenges. I was too nervous to actually post my contributions to the Reddit page, so I would just post what I made to my personal Instagram stories.

In 2023, I decided to start posting to the Reddit page and created a miniblog I was blown away with some of the incredible cooks on the Reddit page and had a lot of fun trying new recipes for the challenges. My husband even convinced me to purchase a ring light to try to improve my food photography (I am incredibly impatient and unartistic so food photography is definitely something I need to improve on).

For 2024, I thought I'd take on a more advanced website with the hopes of taking this fun hobby to maybe something more!