Week 30: Chicken Thighs with Citrus Cilantro Salsa Verde

I wasn't super psyched on this week's challenge as I'm not a huge coriander/cilantro fan. Plus we were super busy getting ready for a trip so I was again packing motivation for cooking something I wasn't super excited about. But it did give me the opportunity to try chicken thighs out on our new flat top grill so.....

The recipe was super easy, blend all sauce ingredients together and marinate chicken with some of the sauce. I'm getting the hang of grilling on the flat top too so that was easy. I found a recipe that told me to set half the grill to med/high to start the chicken and the other side low to finish it and that worked super well. Then last minute my husband reminded me that i needed dinner for the kids too (whoops! 😬) so we threw a quesadilla on the flat top as well. 

The chicken was okay. I wasn't blown away by the salsa verde as others commented they were on the original recipe. I did learn that quesadillas are amazing on the flat top though 🤷🏽‍♀️

Rating: 5/10

Recipe Linkhere



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