Week 6: Normandy - Normandy Style Pork and Cider Casserole

So I partially chose this recipe because I was dying to use my new enameled Dutch oven (found here). Amazon finally had the desert sage color that I am obsessed with on sale so I bought it immediately.

I was slightly wary of this recipes because of the all the conversions I would have to do for the ingredients. I'm not 100% I did it correctly so I'm hoping the recipe is forgiving in that aspect. I fully admit I follow the "measure with your heart philosophy" when it comes to garlic, butter and bacon, so I know I added too much bacon and butter. And my immaturity was on full display while trying to figure out the measurement for a "large knob of butter" meant 😬. 

I wish this recipe website had more pic from the cooking process because I was second guessing myself a lot. Like to brown the shallots whole, was I supposed to split them into the two or no? When cooking partially covered, how partially do we mean? I had a lot of liquid (chicken stock) evaporate after the first hour so I added some more because I was worried I didn't "partially cover" it correctly. 

By the end of the second hour, I had added the whole carton of chicken stock. Not sure if it was due to evaporation or the miscalculated bacon. I also ended up adding in the whole container of crème fraǐche, because why not!

This was so unbelievably rich and delicious. Definitely a long time to cook, but maybe a splurge special occasion meal.

Rating: 8/10

Original Recipe can be found here

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