Week 10: Balling- Mexican Street Corn Croquettes and Chorizo, Cheese and Potato Croquettes with Avocado Aioli

So apparently I am never going to learn my lesson. Despite struggling last weekend, I decided to do two recipes this week. I decided to two because the one I really wanted to do said that they were really delicate and may fall apart, so I didn't want my whole challenge week to fail so I decided to have a backup recipe. Dumb idea because we had a Timbers game Saturday and a baby shower Sunday morning. 

I also decided to tweak both recipes to make them easier and use what I already had on hand. I went with frozen corn instead of fresh so I wouldn't have to cut it off the cob, instant mashed potatoes so I would save time, and planned to air fry instead of deep frying because I hate deep frying (not because it's unhealthy, just because it's messy). I decided to prep everything on Saturday and just air fry on Sunday. Then I would serve these tapas with Trader Joe's carne asada.

When it came time to roll them into balls, I realized that I only put one egg into the street corn croquettes when the recipe called for two (the directions were very confusing) and it looked a lot more loose than I anticipated, but it was too late now. I put the street corn croquettes in the freezer and the chorizo cheese and potatoe croquettes in the fridge and called it a day.

I had to wing it with the air fryer temp and timing but landed on 390 degrees and about 10 minutes for both kinds of croquettes. They didn't get as brown as I'd like but way easier than frying. I think I liked the street corn croquettes a little bit more, but I think if I added some hot sauce or chili powder to them they'd be even better! The potato croquettes were good, but I think I made them too large and they could use a little something else spice wise. I think I'd try both these again for an appetizer for a game day.

Street Corn Croquettes Rating: 8/10

Chorizo, Cheese and Potato Croquettes Rating: 6/10

Original recipe for Street corn croquettes here
Original recipe for Chorizo, cheese and potato croquettes here

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